What a Difference a Year Makes!

What a difference one year can make in this life-affirming, Christ exalting work! Week by week, you have been hearing stories of restoration, salvation, changed minds and lives changed! Well, we are gathering them all up to share with you at our April 14th Dinner.

This year, we are looking to share our stories with new friends who would join YOU and all of us in transforming our communities into ones that value every life! Our BIG ask right now, is that you would consider hosting a table. As a table host, you will have the chance to invite your colleagues, friends, and family to come and hear about this work you are so passionate about!

In addition we have a special friend to SLM we would like to introduce Jeff Bradford, founder of the Human Coalition. God took Jeff from a dark place and into the full light of what it means to be forgiven and restored through Christ’s life, death and resurrection. His humble understanding of God’s grace exalts our vision of our God who can take women and MEN from crisis to Christ to the Church

Join us for an unforgettable evening! Register as a table host today and help us make this event unforgettable as we tell the stories of life, restoration and transformation! We can't wait to see you there!


Mercy for this Reason...